Protect Your Skin from Daily Pollution

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Every day, we dutifully mind the elements. On sunny mornings we boost our SPF with a protective foundation layer of Calendula Botanical Solution. If it’s raining, we double down on moisturizing agents with a humidity-harnessing combo of Régénerant and Fleur Vibrante. When it snows, we nourish and protect with Crème de Fleur. But regardless of season or temperature, there’s something in the air that many of us don’t even think about, and it can wreak havoc on the skin. It’s invisible, it’s often unscented, and it’s persistent—it’s pollution.
That’s right, pollutants in our air (and water and soil) can directly impact the state of our skin, causing visible damage in the short- and long-term. Pollution is almost impossible to avoid, especially if you live in an urban area, but there are ways to mitigate its effects on your skin by taking a comprehensive approach to cleansing and detoxification.
It’s obvious but true: drinking lots of water and eating a diet rich in organic foods can help detoxify the body of pollutants. Studies show that consuming broccoli sprouts can help the body fight pollution. “Consumption of a diet rich in cruciferous vegetables reduces the risk of several types of cancers and chronic degenerative diseases. In particular, broccoli sprouts are a convenient and rich source of the glucosinolate, glucoraphanin, which can release the chemopreventive agent, sulforaphane.” Supplements can also be useful, but we recommend finding an accredited naturopath who can help you de-pollute safely and effectively.
No matter how tired you are, how late you worked, or how many tequila Negronis you consumed—never ever skip your nightly face cleanse. No excuses. The contaminants accumulated throughout a day in the world are like destructive microscopic magnets that clog pores, cause unwanted pigmentation, and break down collagen. At the very least, wash them off your face. Even better, our 4-2-4 Method gives the skin the deep cleanse it needs to banish the offending particles. Post-cleanse, nourish your skin with our Calendula Solution or Fleur Vibrante Solution—both antioxidant-rich and free radical-fighting oils act like vitamin supplements for the face.
We’re fans of dry-brushing for its detoxifying, pollution-combatting benefits. Before showering, start at the tops of the feet and move in the direction of your heart in long, sweeping strokes, to move your lymph, increase blood circulation, and flush toxins, bacteria, and waste from your system. Alternatively, go the Ayurvedic route by performing Abhyanga, a full-body oil massage, which promotes similar health benefits. Everyone—especially city dwellers—will benefit from a nightly detoxifying salt and baking soda bath. “Bathing in a magnesium-rich Dead Sea salt solution improves skin barrier function, enhances skin hydration, and reduces inflammation in atopic dry skin.” We’ve found that two cups of sea salt or kosher salt, each with over 60 trace minerals including potassium and magnesium, also work well. Adding two cups of baking soda assists in detoxification, alkalizes the body, and softens the skin.
Now take a deep breath (but maybe not too deep) and give yourself a pat on the back. You’re doing what you can.