Olfactory Nostalgia with Sherri McMullen

At In Fiore, we believe the skin is a sense organ and scent initiates healing. Olfactory Nostalgia is a look at medicinal triggers, scented memories, and the feelings that ensue when taking in a distinct ingredient.
Meet Sherri McMullen, the founder of McMullen, a beautifully curated concept store with two locations in the Bay Area. Sherri can spot potential early on in a designer and is a champion of unique indie fashion brands and Black designers rooted in luxury womenswear.
Photo Credit: Liz Zepeda
“Wearing a fragrance that I enjoy creates comfort for me and is a part of self-care.”
– Sherri McMullen
Sherri McMullen
What & Where:
Founder of Oakland and Palo Alto, California-based McMullen Boutiques.
Olfactory Nostalgia:
When I smell lemon, I think of my grandmother because she had a lemon tree in her backyard and she loved baking lemon pound cake, which is still my favorite to this day. I remember the scent as I walked into her home, the aromatic smell of a fresh-baked lemon cake. I don’t bake, but my sister, Maria, has taken on her recipe. When we are all together as a family, my sister has made my Mamal’s cake a tradition.
Perfumery as Medicine:
Wearing a fragrance that I enjoy creates comfort for me and is a part of self-care. It’s about recognizing how that fragrance can evoke certain emotions and be present in that.
Toning Floral Essence