Lymphatic Lemongrass

Lemongrass is considered one of the world’s greatest lymphatic stimulants. With its powerful astrality and regulating action upon the fluid organism, it is specific for many aspects of immunological activity and has a tonic effect on the nervous system. Here, we break down lemongrass and its many uses, benefits, and constituents.
Botanical Source: The herb Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf, Cymbopogon flexuosus (Nees ex Stend.) J.F. Watson.
Pharmaceutical Name: Cympbogoan Citrullus
Other Names: West Indies lemongrass, Verveine des Indes, Herb citron (Fr), Zitronengras (Ge), Erba di limone (It), Serai dapur (Indonesian, Malay), Jammu lemongrass.
Constituents: Monoterenoid aldehydes, citral, geranial, neral, citronellal, sesquiterpenoid aldehydes, monoterpenols, esters.
Tropism: Nervous, cardiovascular, digestive, and neuromuscular systems. Liver, spleen, and heart.
Preparation: Steam distilled from the fresh or partially dried cultivated grass.
Essential Function: Reduces fever and inflammation, addresses hot, tense conditions, muscle relaxant, systemic detoxicant, and lymphatic stimulant and decongestant. Induces renewal and transformation and helps resolve distressing feelings and pathogenic emotions. Promotes clarity, discernment, and optimism.
Traditional Use: Mental fatigue, poor concentration, depression, poor discernment and critical thinking, chronic digestive problems, chronic headaches, swollen lymph glands, flabby devitalized or oily and congested skin.
Physiological: Nebulizer inhalation, gel cap, suppository, infused oil, and balm. Cools and calms hypertonic/tense and sthenic/hot conditions, decongests congestive/damp conditions such as painful spasmodic, inflammatory, muscle tension, and autonomic nervous dysregulation. Stimulates and decongests digestive, capillary, and lymphatic systems and functions as a metabolic and microbial detoxicant.
Psychological: An essential PNEI (Psycho Neuro Endocrine Immunology) stimulant in weakness conditions. Via aromatic diffusion and whole-body massage, it promotes emotional renewal, discernment, insight, foresight, alertness, and optimism.
Topical: Compress, infused oil and balm, astringes tired, congested skin, enlarged pores, acne, and skin infections. Detoxes skin impurities and blemishes. Lymphatic stimulant for swollen glands, lymph stagnation, and edema.
TCM: Expanding and circulating, cool to cold nature, regulates the Qi, clears heat, dries damp, and calms the Shen. Clears wind-damp-heat obstruction to relieve muscle and joint pain.
Chakra Affinity: Solar Plexus
Psychospiritual: Lemongrass is thought to help increase the projection of personal power and promote inspiration and wise judgment.
Anthroposophical: Lemongrass is a primordial gold remedy. Anthroposophical science holds that gold harmonizes and balances polarities and is specific for fear of death, depression based upon disturbed liver function (lemongrass is a liver-specific), depression associated with self-reproach, and support of the soul buoyancy within the earthly realm.
Gold is thought to:
- Guide the process of incarnation of the spirit body into the tissues
- Support the quality and direction of thinking
- Strengthen the creative soul forces and help preserve their freedom
- Give one a firm hold on the earth while preventing excessively strong bondage to it
Lemongrass’s association with yellow, gold, and the sun, integrates the spiritual forces of the left and right lobes of the brain with those gathering at the solar plexus (a physiological hub whose inner dimension serves as a spiritual hub). Hence, lemongrass operates at a nexus that facilitates the intellectual powers (the highest spiritual center) downward to the solar plexus to synchronize the radiation of our “internal sun.”
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