Olfactory Nostalgia with Maxine Goynes

At In Fiore, we believe the skin is a sense organ and scent initiates healing. Olfactory Nostalgia is a look at medicinal triggers, scented memories, and the feelings that ensue when taking in a distinct ingredient.
Meet Maxine Nicole Goynes, the Los Angeles-based founder of MG METHOD, a media and creative consulting company. The certified personal trainer, wellness coach, and podcast host speaks with her guests about wellness, business, health, creativity, beauty, entertainment, and technology using the common thread of life design. The goal? To deliver unique insights that influence the leaders of the next generation.
“Using perfumery as medicine allows collections of information to pass through us so we can show up to serve something much greater than ourselves. ”
– Maxine Nicole Goynes
Maxine Nicole Goynes
What & Where:
Currently based in Brentwood, Los Angeles, with a continued vision to live and work bicoastally.
Olfactory Nostalgia:
Whenever I smell jasmine, I am reminded of childhood innocence. I immediately think of a hot summer day, the smell of freshly mowed lawn, splashes of cool pool water, and the neighborhood kids over as my parents sat peacefully watching us make way with our imagination in our previous family backyard. Our street was multicultural, so I think about all the courage it took for so many families from all walks of life to participate in fostering community as they did. Jasmine reminds me of the hot, dry air, the crisp cold crunch of chilled fruit, and the pursuit of family dreams.
Perfumery as Medicine:
To me, this means that we can allow our senses to guide our presence. It's the unwavering belief that we already have within us everything we need. Creativity is our true nature, so allowing ourselves to experiment and observe honest connections. Using perfumery as medicine allows collections of information to pass through us so we can show up to serve something much greater than ourselves.
Face Oil Concentré
Serum Cerate