Olfactory Nostalgia with Mandy Madden Kelley

At In Fiore, we believe the skin is a sense organ and scent initiates healing. Olfactory Nostalgia is a look at medicinal triggers, scented memories, and the feelings that ensue when taking in a distinct ingredient.
Meet Mandy Madden Kelley, the Los Angeles-based content creator, creative consultant, and founder of Pagerie. Mandy possesses a distinct and sleek sense of style (just look at her Instagram), a worldly knowledge of art and design, a kind demeanor, and an enviable flawless canvas. Mandy’s newest venture (coming soon) is her elevated accessory brand, Pagerie, a collection unlike any other on the market.
“I know when I enjoy certain scents that my shoulders relax, my chest opens up, my lungs expand, and my mind purges out toxic thoughts.”
– Mandy Madden Kelley
Mandy Madden Kelley
What & Where:
I am an obsessive curator and editor of life. I won’t let anything in my home, closet, or car that hasn’t gone through seven different filters. For instance, I am guilty of buying really nice looking containers (monochromatic with beautiful fonts) and pouring our families’ products into them. This extends beautifully into my work as a Creative Consultant and Founder of Pagerie, living in Los Angeles.
Olfactory Nostalgia:
I met my husband in baggage claim. Within the first month and a half, we’d moved in together and taken a trip to Thailand. On the way from the airport to the hotel, he wondered if he had made a gigantic mistake in bringing me to a developing nation.
Little did he know, I absolutely loved the chaos, grit, sounds, and mostly the smells of Thailand. Although I had never been there before, I felt like I was home. Perhaps there were some ancestral roots in me that had traveled these lands before, but the place seemed not only familiar, but emotional for me. My husband is an architect and tells me that the most powerful but misunderstood sense we have comes from olfactory glands — our sense of smell.
When you find yourself having déjà vu, it’s usually not because of something you have seen before, but rather something you’re smelling, such as baby powder or cinnamon. These distinctive smells tie directly to our emotions. Whenever I smell Lemongrass, a 1000-year-old part of me re-emerges and appreciates its myriad uses ranging from culinary to skincare, and even as an insect repellant.
Perfumery as Medicine:
I’m a big believer that certain smells open up passageways and portals in our bodies and minds. For me, I know when I enjoy certain scents that my shoulders relax, my chest opens up, my lungs expand, and my mind purges out toxic thoughts. To prepare your mind for any transition, smell something different—change your scent. Great smells get you ready for what’s next in life.
Calendula Solution
Carotene-rich calendula is a lymphatic used to stimulate the drainage of enlarged, inflamed lymph nodes.
Comfrey Solution
Silicic acid in comfrey helps preserve the elasticity of connective tissue, while nettle promotes detoxification.
Fleur Vibrante Solution
An antioxidant-rich solution containing all the omegas to optimize skin and stimulate healing.
A restorative tonic that promotes detoxification function to address stagnation and tissue laxity.
Tangiers Body Balm
A synergy of lemongrass, fresh ginger, and tangerine address the accumulation of toxins and inadequate intercellular and lymphatic drainage.