Olfactory Nostalgia with Lia Ices

At In Fiore, we believe the skin is a sense organ and scent initiates healing. Olfactory Nostalgia is a look at medicinal triggers, scented memories, and the feelings that ensue when taking in a distinct ingredient.
Meet Lia Ices, Sonoma-based singer-songwriter. Lia is known for her breathy vocals and psychedelic folk sound and recently revealed a new record called Family Album, which she wrote while starting her own family.
“It's not just the physicality of our appearance that defines us— but the sensory and ephemeral can be just as an authentic tool in anchoring into oneself.”
– Lia Ices
Lia Ices
What & Where:
Sonoma, California-based singer-songwriter and mother.
Olfactory Nostalgia:
The first perfume I ever wore was called Route du The made by Barneys New York. I remember it as bright, clean, and invigorating — like I was dousing myself in lemon peels and lemon blossoms. The smell reminds me of a time when I was defining and experimenting with my personal style. I was very particular about my clothing, jewelry, and accessories as a pre-teen, and every outfit was finished with this bright lemon perfume that ritualized being ready for the world! What an epiphany to realize that scent can be an integral part of one's personal style. It's not just the physicality of our appearance that defines us— but the sensory and ephemeral can be just as an authentic tool in anchoring into oneself. When I smell lemons or citrusy oils even now, I journey back into my first love affair with scent, a perfume that was integral in kick-starting my lifelong journey of self-expression.
Perfumery as Medicine:
To me, smell and emotion are stored as one memory. The scents we catalog become the stories of our lives; simultaneously transporting us, healing us, and bringing us closer to ourselves.
Toning Floral Essence