A Time-Honored Tool for Taut, Glowing Skin

A Time-Honored Tool for Taut, Glowing Skin
As hot-blooded humans, the thought of submerging our bodies into very cold water is not terribly appealing unless it’s a sweltering day, or we’ve just emerged from the sauna or a particularly titillating run-in with our work crush. But the therapeutic benefits of cold water have been touted for centuries by everyone from the Egyptian, Greek, Asian, and Roman civilizations that used it to promote longevity and strengthen the health of the skin to Katharine Hepburn and Victoria Beckham who have credited their enviable glows (and strong characters) to cold water treatments.
What feels shocking at first quickly becomes refreshing – almost addictive – with lasting anti-aging effects.
Alternating between hot and cold water may be familiar to you; it’s the hallmark of our ever-popular 4-2-4 Method. And if you’ve ever plunged into an icy pool after a warm spa treatment, you’re familiar with that whole-body rush: the quickened pulse, the sharpness of mind, the jolt of energy. What feels shocking at first quickly becomes refreshing – almost addictive – with lasting anti-aging effects.
You can recreate this experience regularly from home with an alternating hot and cold shower. Doing it few times per week has been scientifically shown to strengthen the immune system, flush out toxins by increasing blood flow and circulation, promote the growth and repair of capillary beds, and keep pores clean. On the surface, skin feels plump and radiant. All of which sounds just right with summer on our doorstep.
We won’t try to convince you that it’s comfortable, at least not the first time around. But, as they say, the third time’s a charm. (Really, it is.)
Here’s how it’s done:
Begin by dry brushing your body to remove dead skin cells and stimulate circulation and lymph flow. The effects of the hot and cold shower are magnified if you take this first step.
Start with a two to three-minute long shower with water as hot as you can comfortably tolerate. Enjoy every second.
Switch the water to cold (as cold as possible) and let it flow over your head and body for 15-20 seconds.
Switch to hot water and repeat the process two more times. The hot water amplifies the stimulating effects of the cold water, in turn energizing the flow of lymph and blood. Do not exceed three rounds total as it is actually counterproductive to the treatment.
Pat your skin dry. For extra skin tightening and toning benefits, follow your hot and cold shower with Firmante Elevating Leg Tonic, and apply a Body Balm that suits your mood.