
An excellent source of nutrients like potassium, antioxidants, and vitamin A, carrots are nutritionally-rich, and carrot oil is a key ingredient throughout some of our hero products. The carrot has been prized as a food and medicine for thousands of years. Daucus is derived from the Greek word daio, meaning "I make hot," signifying the wild carrot's pungent and stimulating property, a quality shared by various Umbelliferae species. The name carrot is of Celtic origin and means "red of color." The wild carrot is a biennial herb with a tough, inedible, white taproot, and its much-branched stem generally grows to about 2 to 3 feet high.
The vegetable, gold remedy, and constituent delivers high doses of beta-carotene and xanthophyll that act as a daily nutritional supplement for the complexion, helping to restore skin health and balance. Here, we dive deep into the ingredient, giving you the full spectrum of all its amazing benefits.
Botanical Source: The fruit and root of Daucus carota L. (Apiaceae/Umbelliferae)
Pharmaceutical Name: Fructus Dauci
Alternate Names: Cultivated carrot seed, Carotte (Fr), Semi di carota (It), Semilla de zanahoria (Sp)
Constituents: Sesuiterpenol carotol 36% to 73%, sesquiterpenes including beta-caryophyllene, daucene, alpha-bergamotene; and monoterpenes including alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, l-limonene, beta-carotene; esters, monoterpenols including linalool, geranial
Tropism: Bladder, uterus, intestines, stomach, liver, kidney, bladder meridians, air, fluid bodies
Preparation: Cold-pressed extract of the fresh seeds or steam distillation of the crushed dried seeds for essential oil and used in infusions and tinctures
Essential Function: Restores hypotonic/weak terrain conditions
Traditional Use: Carrot is a leading trophorestorative—a nutritive restorative that acts as a "food" that nourishes and builds tissue. It rectifies deficiencies and weaknesses in specific organs, systems, and tissues that result in permanent restoration. As a medicine, carrots are stimulating, restoring, draining, and a detoxicant diuretic.
Physiological: Nebulizer inhalation, gel cap, suppository, external applications. Nervous restorative and regulator for physical and mental chronic fatigue, depression, nervous exhaustion, neurasthenia, mild hypotension from liver congestion, strong liver trophorestorative, decongestant, detoxicant, liver protective, biliary congestion, metabolic toxicosis, drug, and all chemical toxicosis. Detoxicant diuretic, alterative, and decongestant.
Psychological: Aromatic diffusion, whole-body massage. Regulating in dysregulated conditions, relaxant in overstimulated states. Reduces basal ganglia and cingulate system hyperfunctioning. Stabilizes the mind and promotes integrations, stability, strength, and cognitive flexibility, including worry, obsession, compulsivity, repetitive thinking, and the inability to let go.
Topical: Oil, balm, cream, compress, and other topical preparations. Indicted for sensitive and mature skin types, tones and improves skin elasticity, tired or irritated skin, wrinkles, skin regenerator and vulnerary for chronic conditions such as age spots, scars, stretch marks, and UV damage.
TCM: Sweet, woody, stabilizing, and neutral nature. Nourishes the Blood, animates the Heart, strengthens the Shen, and relieves depression, mental and physical fatigue, and low motivation. Resolves dampness, harmonizes the Middle Warmer and relieves distension and swelling with chronic indigestion, abdominal bloating, and general dampness with lethargy, heaviness of body, and water retention.
Ayurveda: Carrot (Gajar) is used extensively in Ayurveda to boost immunity and purify the blood. The carrot calms Vata and Kapha and pacifies Pitta in moderation.
Chakra Affinity: Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, and Third Eye "Ajna"
Psychospiritual: Through its light-silica processes, the carrot stimulates the head and sensory sphere. This draws on the surrounding cosmic sphere into the root physical to assimilate light forces into living tissues to make spiritual life possible.
Anthroposophical: concept of the "light organism," which refers to an internalized spiritual light body that makes spiritual life possible. Internalized light acts as a beacon to the spirit, guiding it into the metabolic processes and allowing it to permeate them, establishing a connection between the spirit and the substances of the body.
Light can be thought of as a food for the nerves. The transformation of sunlight by the astral body stimulates processes involved in the nourishment, formation, and maintenance of the nervous system and has a stimulating effect on all internal processes.
The carrot plant is also associated with the light organization, which facilitates the integration of the higher forces into the anabolic/etheric activities. Carotene aids in the plant's assimilation of light forces. One of the carotenes: beta carotene, is converted in the body into vitamin A, which is connected to the vitalizing processes of the sensory sphere.