An Essential Essential Oil
Indigenous to the Mediterranean and coastal regions of Europe, the helichrysum plant, a wild-growing short, perennial shrub, which has silver-green leaves and delicate, bright yellow daisy-like flowers, is an herb that is used to treat edema, headaches, including migraines, liver and gall bladder, and digestive disorders.
And no wonder. Helichrysum removes obstacles to self-healing. The appellation helichrysum is a composite of the Greek words for sun (helios) and gold (chrysos), so it's named because the flowers resemble tiny golden suns. Its common name: Immortelle, or Life Everlasting, derives from the fact that the flowers do not wither and die. For this reason, it was considered to have magical powers.
Read below as we break down the essential herb.
Botanical Source: The flowers and flowering tops of helichrysum angustifolium (L.) [syn. H. italicum (Roth) G. Don fil.] (Asteraceae/Compositae - daisy family)
Pharmaceutical Name: Helichrysum bracteatum (Venten.) Willd.
Alternate Names: Curry plant, everlasting, helichryse, immortelle (Fr, Ge), elicriso (It)
Constituents: 47-70% esters, monoterpenols (including nerol, linalool, geraniol), sesquiterpenes (including curcumenes, caryophyllene), and monoterpenes (including alpha-pinene, limonene, camphene)
Tropism: Neuroendocrine, reproductive, hepatic, and circulatory systems
Preparation: Steam distillation of the fresh flowering herb in July and August
Essential Function: Relaxes hypertonic/tense conditions and restores atonic/weak conditions
Traditional Use: Antibacterial, antispasmodic, choleretic (stimulates bile production) actions. Helichrysum has long been used to treat edema and abnormal fluid accumulation in cellular tissue, headaches, migraines, liver and gall bladder disorders, chronic gall bladder inflammation, skin conditions, allergic dermatitis, psoriasis, bruises, and burns. Helichrysum oil is powerfully anti-inflammatory and is considered specific for shock, fear, debility, lethargy, nervous exhaustion, nervousness, anxiety, insomnia, depression, moodiness, headaches, migraines, and circulatory pathologies such as cold hands, feet, varicose veins, sluggish blood circulation and stagnation, lymphatic congestion, scars, acne, and rosacea.
Physiological: Nebulizer inhalation, gel cap, suppository, liniment. Systemic nervous relaxant in hypertonic (tense) conditions with nervous tension, pain, irritability, and all stress-related conditions. Restorative in liver congestion and liver issues in general, tissue regenerative of gastrointestinal, dermal restorative especially in cases of eczema, dermatitis, and psoriasis. Overall antioxidant, antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal.
Psychological: Aromatic diffusion, whole-body massage. Promotes emotional stability, calm, security, strength, and transformation of shock and trauma. Reduces deep limbic system hyperfunctioning and indicated for anxiety, shock, PTSD, agitated and anxious depression, addiction disorders including food addictions and codependency, and all acute distressed emotions.
Topical: Compress, balm, oil, and other topical preparations. Helichrysum is a skin regenerator and collagen stimulant. It has been known to be helpful in ameliorating eczema, cuts, broken veins, scars, stretch marks, adhesions, and psoriasis. Helichrysum is vulnerary, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antipruritic and is indicated for all skin irritation and inflammation with itching, redness, swelling dermatitis, wet or dry eczema, burns, sunburns, and shingles.
TCM: Sweet, circulating, neutral to cool nature, spreads liver Qi, relaxes constraint, and harmonizes the Shen. Helichrysum activates blood and Qi to reduce stagnation and relieves pain with swelling and wind-damp heat in the skin (rashes, irritation, itching)
Ayurveda: In Ayurveda, helichrysum essential oil is blended with coconut oil to address skin pigmentation, and it is believed that regular use nurtures a healthy glow, aids in cellular regeneration, and speeds up the injury-healing process. It is classified as Tri-Doshic, meaning it has a neutral impact on all three doshas. It pacifies the aggravated Pitta and Kapha while increasing Vata. Vata brings feelings of fear, anxiety, and stress, whereas Pitta dominates emotions such as resentment and anger and governs the respiratory system in Kapaha.
Chakra Affinity: Base and Third Eye "Ajna"
Psychospiritual: Helichrysum balances our powers; intellectually, emotionally, spiritually, and physically, helps us recognize the beauty in the balance of opposites, and removes obstacles to self-healing.
Anthroposophical: Helichrysum is a gold remedy. Anthroposophical science holds that gold harmonizes and balances polarities and is specific for fear of death, depression [based upon disturbed liver function], depression associated with self-reproach, and support of the soul buoyancy within the earthly realm. Gold is thought to guide the incarnation of the spirit body into the tissues, support the quality and direction of thinking, strengthen the creative soul force and help preserve their freedom, and give one a firm hold on the earth while preventing excessively strong bondage to it.