Transport Yourself Through Scent: Shevanti

As days grow shorter, nights grow longer, and both grow colder, you might find yourself fantasizing about warmer months and tropical climates...which simply means it is time to introduce Shevanti into your daily beauty repertoire. As we’ve established, fragrance has the unique ability to transport—without altitude, time changes, or even a strategically packed carry-on. Shevanti takes this task seriously. In the third installment of Transport Yourself Through Scent, we’ll tell you why.
Ylang ylang—say it once, say it twice, say it thrice (and keep going, if you please). It feels quite good. This is no accident. The flower’s most important signature is rhythmicity—a heartbeat-like quality and propensity to flutter in the breeze which lends a distinctive airiness. The ylang ylang flower itself is beautiful—exotic and ornamental. In many cultures, she’s considered the flower of flowers, the Crown of the East, associated with compassion and kindness. She represents the sharing of self without losing personal power, and encourages self-acceptance, contentment through love (including self-love), and being in touch with one’s body.
In many cultures, she’s considered the flower of flowers, the Crown of the East, associated with compassion and kindness.
Much like the perfect exotic destination, ylang ylang walks the line between tropical and cooling, free-spirited yet wholly accommodating. Incredibly hydrating—adaptogenic, in a way—she gives you exactly what you need, and is therefore used in a variety of oily, aging, and dry skin-condition treatments. This is due primarily to her innate desire to please, a quality that lends itself to intensive healing capabilities. A lover of women, tissue-firming ylang ylang has an affinity for breasts and is regularly used as a uterine tonic and in the treatment of adrenal stress, as well as to address a wide range of mental issues including anxiety, restlessness, and low self-esteem.
Of course, as with all things that are wild and free, sometimes ylang ylang needs to check herself before she wrecks herself. Though healthy boundaries are a part of her character, she can get carried away with all this loving kindness—which is where frankincense comes into play. Frankincense is the spiritual-intellectual force which segues into, and then leads, ylang ylang, giving her knowledge and direction. A balancing center point, Frankincense offers restraint, barriers, and the limitation of the free-flowing grace of ylang ylang. This dynamic balance facilitates harmonious existence. Because, as they say, wild hearts can’t be broken.
Baume Pour le Corps