Julie Elliott’s guide to Adapt'Âscend, Immun’Attune and Lâche-Lymphe.
How do you personally use each blend?
I like to savor them. I put the drops in a small amount of water and take it like a shot. I hold it in my mouth for 30 seconds to absorb sublingually before swallowing.
How often do you take them?
I'm pretty experienced with supplements, so I tend to take them in cycles. Currently, I take Adapt'Âscend and Immun'Attune together morning and evening. In the morning, at the recommended dose, Adapt'Âscend downregulates and gives you focused energy. At night, if you increase the dose, you'll sleep a solid eight hours. So, I'll go through a bottle each, then take two to three weeks off, and then cycle them back into my supplement regimen.
During the year, I cycle through Lâche-Lymphe the same way. I take it after meals. But I also up the dose twice a year when I cleanse. Calendula is my favorite herb of all time topically. It turns out that, internally, it has incredible effects on the immune system, and it's a powerhouse combined with echinacea. Twice a year, I do a targeted cleansing program at the beginning of September before entering the flu season and then again in January. During those times, I'll take the recommended dosage of Lâche-Lymphe, but three times per day. (Everyone should do what feels suitable for their own body.) It's great support during a cleansing program.
Any notable "WOW, that's really working" moments?
In January, I got a cold. Dr. Kevin Spelman advised me to increase my dose of Immun'Attune to 35 drops three times a day. It knocked the cold out of my system in three days. We will soon start some clinical trials on this blend to measure participants' white blood cell count before and after dosing for a couple of weeks. I know that I feel like my juices have been fully restored when I'm on it. I feel a robustness, if that makes sense.
Do you have any tincture hacks?
I landed on one somewhat spontaneously: I took a dose of Lâche-Lymphe, then drew a bath and added magnesium salts. Then I decided to add 20 drops of Lâche-Lymphe to the tub as a homeopathic dose to create an energetic field and amplify the effects. It was heavenly. Afterward, I felt completely balanced. Magnesium improves circulation, hydration, and nutrient uptake. I wouldn't recommend this all the time because you'll fly through your bottle, but it's something I'm going to do twice a month as a treat.
20 drops, two times daily
Three times daily during a cleanse
15 drops for focused energy
30 drops for enhanced sleep
15 drops to replenish vital life force
35 drops when you need extra support
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†These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.