That Frankincense Feeling

A central player in healing remedies and rituals for thousands of years, Frankincense is coveted by the Romans, Greeks, Egyptians, and Israelites and was (and is) regularly used in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, Frankincense is a milky white gum resin collected from careful incisions made in a specific variety of trees in the genus Boswellia, which grow in many regions of Northern Africa and The Middle East. The resin contains an essential oil with medicinally active terpenoids called boswellic acid. When you imagine the results, think calming, grounding, and soothing.
Botanical Source: The oleo-gum resin of Boswellia sacra (syn. Boswellia carterii Birdw.)
Pharmaceutical Name: Boswellia serrata Roxb.
Alternate Names: Olibanum; Luban (Arabic), Encens (Fr), Weihrauch (Ge), Incenso (It), Olibano (Sp), Ru xiang (Mandarin).
Constituents: Monoterpenes, including a-pinene, d-limonene, b-caryophyllene, sesquiterpenes, monoterpenols, and triterpenes such as boswellic acid.
Tropism: Nervous, respiratory, digestive, and muscular systems.
Preparation: Steam distillation of the oleo-gum resin obtained by incision from the bark of Boswellia carterii, B. frereana, and other species of Boswellia (Burseraceae), small trees indigenous to north-eastern Africa and Arabia.
Essential Function: Nervous and cerebral restorative, sinew relaxant
Traditional Use: A Restorative, stimulant, and relaxant for a wide variety of hypotonic and weak conditions.
Physiological: Nebulizer, gel cap, suppository, external applications. Restores and stimulates weak conditions with mental and physical fatigue, including depression, mucosal restorative, pineal stimulant, anti-inflammatory and immune regulator, respiratory relaxant, relaxes joint stiffness and cramping, and antioxidant and immunostimulant in cases of immune deficiency conditions with frequent infections.
Psychological: Aromatic diffusion, whole body massage. Essential PNEI (Psycho Neuro Endocrine Immunology) stimulant in weakness conditions. Increases prefrontal cortex functioning and regulates basal ganglia hyper- or hypo-functioning. Indicated for ADD, depression, and dissociative disorders. It promotes willpower and perseverance, stabilizes the mind and promotes security.
Topical: Compress, lotion, cream, balm, and oil. Dry and mature skin types, regenerate wrinkles and scar tissue, wounds, varicose veins, non-suppurating sore, swollen gums, psoriasis, and acute tissue trauma, swelling, acne, and lymphadenitis. Frankincense is a lymph drainer with particular value regarding the drainage of breast lymphatics. Contraindicated during pregnancy.
TCM: Rising and circulating, neutral to warm nature, Lung, Heart, Triple Heater, Bladder. Tonifies the Qi, activates Blood and Qi and strengthens Shen weakness with mental and physical fatigue, depression, and debility. Opens up the meridians and breaks up stagnation, including blood stagnation and muscle and joint pain.
Chakra Affinity: Crown.
Psychospiritual: On a psycho-spiritual level, Frankincense helps purify the aura; slows the breath and calms the mind; opens the crown chakra; elevates the mind and connects it to the wavelength of higher consciousness, transcendent awareness, and spiritual self-discipline; centers the mind; clarifies the intellect.
Anthroposophical: Frankincense is associated with the anthroposophical concept of the air-organization properties of the body, breathing, and spirit body.
The lungs are the organs that interface the internal milieu with the outside world and their role in the incarnation of the spirit into the physical body. Complete embodiment begins with the first breath. In this context, the phrase “living creature” is an incarnated one. The lungs are the route by which the astral and spirit bodies enter the body and, thus, connect with the earth. With the first in-breath, the astral body unites with the physico-etheric complex. It is through breathing one is connected with the environment.
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