Sweet Sweet Lavender

Lavender isn’t just a sensorial stress reliever. A member of the Labiatae family and polycrest aromatic, it harmonizes opposites. But its deepest identity, among its many functions, is that of a systemic relaxant that regulates the Qi. Lavender is an excellent example of a remedy possessing the potential to both sedate and stimulate—a bivalency that is represented in its essential oil composition of relaxing esters and restorative terpenes.
Botanical Source: The flower spike of Lavandula angustifolia P. Mill. (syn. L. officinalis Chaix, L. vera DC.) ( Lamiaceae/Labiatae - lipflower / mint family)
Pharmaceutical Name: Flos Lavandulae
Alternate Names: True lavender, French lavender, English lavender, Small-leaf lavender; Lavande, Lavande femelle (French), Lavandel (German), Lavanda (It, Sp)
Constituents: Essential oil, esters, monoterpenols (linalool, geraniol, lavandulol), sesquiterpenes (beta-caryophyllene, farnesene), monoterpenes (limonene, pinene).
Tropism: Brain, nerve, heart, lungs, liver, gallbladder, uterus, bladder, skin. Heart, Pericardium, Liver, Lung, Spleen, Kidney, Warmth, Air, Fluid.
Preparation: Lavender is used as an infusion, tincture, and essential oil for internal and topical use. Hot infusions are utilized for bouts of wind-heat with feverishness, irritability, aches, and sore throats. Tincture preparation is indicated where astriction is required for damp-cold conditions and discharges. The essential oil is the most effective and comprehensive preparation as it constitutes the most significant part of lavender's components used in steam inhalations, washes, salves, and baths.
Essential Function: Balances relaxation and restoration in dysregulated conditions.
Traditional Use: Nervous restorative, relaxant, and regulator for all types of distressed and stuck emotions—cleanses stagnant emotional states. Manage acute physiological conditions involving pain, spasms, and heat, smooth muscle organs, and resolve febrile and inflammatory conditions.
Physiological: Nebulizer inhalation, gel cap, suppository, pessary, and liniment. Lavender is an ANS regulator and systemic nervous relaxant for dysregulated, hypertonic (tense), and sthenic (hot) conditions with anxiety, pain, and spasms, especially of nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, and reproductive systems, and all stress-related conditions in general.
Psychological: Aromatic diffusion and whole body massage. Lavender regulates dysregulated conditions, is a relaxant in overstimulating conditions, and mildly euphoric in acute shock conditions. It is indicated for psychological disorders such as panic attacks, ADHD, depression, and PTSD.
Topical: Compress, balm, lotion, and other cosmetic preparations. Lavender is indicated for all skin types, especially sensitive skin, scar tissue, and hair loss. A skin-cell stimulant, vulnerary, skin regenerator, anti-inflammatory analgesic, antipruritic, and anti-fungal; Lavender is considered helpful for wounds (including slow-healing wounds), cuts, sores, burns, injuries, burns, scalds, sunburn, bruises, sprains, acute dermatitis, acne, fungal skin conditions, arthritic and rheumatic conditions.
TCM: Nourish the Yin, activate Qi, clear heat, and calm the Shen. Lavender is indicated for Heart Yin deficiency with Shen agitations with mental restlessness, anxiety, worry, fearfulness, depression, fatigue, alternating fever, and chills. It activates Blood and Qi by breaking up stagnation, cools and ventilates the Lung, and boosts protective Qi.
Chakra Affinity: Crown—purifies the mind, balances the psyche and harmonizes the heart spirit center with the higher mind.
Psychospiritual: Lavender is thought to balance the higher and lower chakras and stimulate soul growth— spiritual concentration, self-knowing, and access to Divine understanding.
Anthroposophical: Lavender is associated with the rhythmic system within the anthroposophical conceptual model of the Three-Fold Organism or human triad. The rhythmic system, located in the chest, harmonizes the upper and lower poles of the body and thus arbitrates between thought and will—the instrument of feeling. Rudolph Steiner taught that lavender stabilizes the physical, etheric and astral bodies—an effect that must feature interactive balancing of the three.
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