Julie's Medicine Cabinet

This month in Julie’s Medicine Cabinet, our founder details what she’s currently coveting. Our founder is presently experiencing Mexico’s intense mosquito season, so her medicine cabinet this month revolves around remedies to help inflamed and painful bug bites. Julie’s discoveries are the products you need and never knew you needed.
Bite Away Original Insect Bite Heat Pen
This heat pen helps to relieve itching. Last year when Julie moved to the tropics, she was getting attacked by mosquitoes. A friend and Homeopathic doctor from Germany was visiting and came to her rescue with this heat pen, which immediately relieved any itchiness. “For whatever reason, constitutionally, I am someone who gets hammered by mosquitoes and nothing I do to prevent it seems to work. This heat pen is one of the most beneficial things I have purchased. It’s very affordable, so much so that I keep one on my nightstand and one in my bag, which makes sense considering where I live. This is important because the worst part of insect bites is resisting the temptation of scratching them.”
Artemisia Herbs Echinacea Osha Throat Spray
This has been an invaluable product in mediating Julie’s bug bite situation. The renowned Dr. Linda gave Julie a bottle and told her to apply it to her bug bites. “The spray contains echinacea, which is one of the top ingredients for acute inflammatory situations and it’s important for the first stage of healing. So it makes sense that you would apply this to something that’s inflamed, hot, and red. It takes the heat out of the skin and strengthens the matrix, helping the veins and the lymphatics to expel toxins. Essentially you’re getting the poison out of the bite.” Insider tip: Artemisia does not advertise its medicinal remedies. To purchase, contact them directly through their website.
Olloïs Homeopathic Medicine
Julie is always prepared with five homeopathic remedies when traveling. These include Ledum, Apis, Hypericum, Arnica (shock), and Belladonna (fevers, sunburn, sunstroke). "They cover several acute onset situations, such as pain, swelling, edema due to airplane travel (Ledum), bug bites, stings, sunburn, or sunstroke (Belladonna). And if you’re in a bind without these remedies, our In Fiore Lâche-Lymphe formula can also be used topically. The calendula in combination with echinacea are the absolute two top ingredients for inflammation.”