Julie's Medicine Cabinet

This month in Julie’s Medicine Cabinet, our founder details what she’s currently coveting. From her go-to nourishing body scrub to her skin-changing vitamin E supplement and her favorite functional mushroom, Julie’s discoveries are the products you need and never knew you needed.
C & The Moon Malibu Made Body Scrub
Julie is an avid dry brusher, so she doesn’t often use a body scrub. But C & The Moon Malibu Made Body Scrub has changed her tune. “The fragrance is insane. It reminds me of my childhood, and there’s something nostalgic about it. It smells like vanilla, but in the best way—not like a Yankee candle. Also, the results are pretty incredible. Your skin is baby-soft afterward, and it feels deliciously nourished. The oil seeps right into the skin.
Now Sun-E 400 (Vitamin E)
We all know vitamin E is essential for antioxidant protection, but rarely is it talked about from the perspective of the skin. Since taking vitamin E, Julie noted it had had the most profound effect on her skin, more than anything she's ever taken. "Your skin will literally change. It becomes more supple and hydrated, and you'll notice an improvement in elasticity and start clearing up pigmentation. Finding quality vitamin E is challenging, and this is one of the brands I've been taking with good results. I also like MitoLife and LifeBlud brands and these are my go-to when they're not sold out, but NOW is more accessible and I've had great results with them as well. In general, when sourcing vitamin E, be sure to look for mixed tocopherols without soybean oil."
Mālama Mushrooms
Julie regularly takes functional mushrooms and is a big fan of the Hawaiian brand Mālama Mushrooms. Her mushroom of choice? Chaga. “I find functional mushrooms very effective, and I like to add some to my coffee every morning. When I make my coffee, I add my Agent Nateur Holi (Mane), the Mālama Mushrooms Chaga Cacao, and sometimes Lion’s Mane. But Chaga is my go-to. It ranks high on the ORAC scale, is excellent for immune function and effects on the skin, and is a great source of stable energy. But if someone doesn’t want to mix it with coffee, it tastes great with your warm comfort beverage of choice.”