Body Tonic

When is it apropos to stop saying Happy New Year? To be honest, we’re not quite sure. But timing aside, we believe all of January is a good time for moving forward, standing on our own two feet, and get the lymph flowing.
Our Firmante Leg Tonic kickstarts the lymphatic system. Infused with herbal actives like echinacea, fennel, alfalfa, dandelion, and horse chestnut, Firmante Leg Tonic targets the unwanted effects of circulatory stagnation, water retention, and tissue laxity.
As a “grounding” oil, Firmante is a Kidney-Yang specific. A deficiency will be expressed in the weakness of the knees, legs, and feet. The legs and feet connect one to the ground, and thus, the earthly plane. When there is a weakness in the legs and feet, and a person is not grounded, they cannot cope with their personal problems, work, societal interactions, and environmental challenges.
Grounding also serves a function in the human organism similar to the one it serves in an electrical circuit. Emotional stress is cumulative and can overload one’s “circuits.” Well-grounded people can tolerate more emotional charge, while the poorly grounded ones are prone to overloading their emotional circuitry. Because of the weakness of their legs, they will have difficulty “standing on their own two feet” and moving forward with stable purpose in their lives.
In body/mind theory, the knees are associated with fear and the need to bend to life’s challenges. Furthermore, in Chinese medicine, the kidneys are related to the knees and the seat of fear and anxiety. The kidneys are also strongly associated with the feet. The acupuncture point: Kidney 1 is located mid-sole of the foot. It’s referred to as “Bubbling Spring” because it sustains an energetic connection with the Earth and its sustaining nourishment. The kidneys are also referred to as the “root of life” (the root anchors the plant to the ground).
That said, Firmante relates to a particular aspect of the warmth process described by the Chinese as Kidney Yang or “Life-Gate Fire.”. Kidney Yang— corresponding to a great extent to the adrenal cortex and the hypothalamus-anterior pituitary-adrenal cortex axis—kindles the fire of metabolism. It sparks the metabolic processes, warms the body, animates the astral body, and activates the spleen and liver.
How to use Firmante:
For full leg oiling: Post-dry brushing, hydrotherapy, steam, or sauna, apply one full dropper and massage starting at the feet and working your way up toward the thighs and hips.
For sensorial gain: Apply three drops, warm between the wrists, and hold them to the nose and inhale deeply for 10 seconds. Repeat five times. Continue with a full leg massage or your mediation practice.
For the chakra: Throat and sacral—structure and straightforwardness.
Firmante facilitates a conscious urge to find a new direction when inhibited letting go. It ignites the internal radar that guides one towards self-discovery, stabilizes the body while propelling it forward, enables us to stand tall while remaining grounded, and moves us forward with purpose.
Elevating Leg Tonic